About me

Hello! I’m Ruiyi Wang. I’m currently a Master’s student in Intelligent Information Systems in the Language Technologies Institute (LTI) at Carnegie Mellon University. I’m actively applying to PhD programs in AI and HCI this year!

I’m broadly interested in the area of human-AI interaction, with a primary focus on the interaction between community members and language models. My research interests lie in using mix methods and human-centered design to faciliate controllable and transparent human-AI collaboration and complementarity. I’m passionate about system building and I hope my research will turn into real-world applications in education, healthcare and social work.

My current academic mentor is Professor Katia Sycara and I work on developing persuasion strategy systems for robot agents as my independent study. Previously, I graduated from the University of Michigan with a BSE in Computer Science and minor in Mathematics and graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a BE in Electrical and Computer Engineering. During my study in the University of Michigan, I worked closely with Professor Nikola Banovic and Jane Im in re-designing findable and actionable privacy controls on the social platform. Back in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, I worked with Professor Rui Wang in controlled text generation, mainly focusing on abstractive and stylistic text summarization. I was a summer intern at Shanghai Bianjie.AI, where I collaborated with Professor Junchi Yan in developing federated learning algorithms for business services. Please see my CV for details.